That is simply so low of these racist French. The day they have at least have of the amazing things Italians have!!! Even with the coronavirus Italy is still the best country in the world.
romain fernandez
This has nothing to do with racism! Italy isnt the best country in the world (france has one the best food,wine,music,women,history,ect), your comments made no sense, you are the racist one! The show that showed this clip is very crude (poop jokes,naked women,sex,ect) so you guys shouldnt get offended by that,really, if you knew the show you wouldnt even care.Peace
@romain fernandez sorry but i hope you are joking. There is nothing funny about this video. Its disgusting offensive and disrespectful. People in italy like in different parts of the world are dying or already dead. Have some respect like the world and italy had when france had terrorist attacks. And for you maybe italy is not the best country in the world. But for many people its the best country for food, people, wine, women men, music art and culture etc
Coronavirus deaths in Italy at 79, China cases slow
让我们问自己一个问题:谁是种族主义者? 谁喜欢别人的不幸? 谁相信百年不朽?
当我们被取笑时,我们立刻会感到冒犯。 我们那不勒斯人因被污染的突尼斯海鲜到达意大利的霍乱而被嘲笑了约五十年。 我谨记,紧急情况持续了几天,大约15至20天,以消除疾病。 我没有听过那不勒斯的侮辱和/或嘲笑感染这种“被诅咒的”冠状病毒,如果有的话,那就是完全同情。
对于法国人来说,Corona病毒就像是一种解脱。 最后,马克龙被迫照料Corona Virus并保护他的老妇。 少掠夺法国就是击败法国。 法语的问题在于政治,媒体,经济和法律权力将法语作为第二语言。 电晕病毒是法国法国人面临的最小问题。
不幸的是,法国被允许一切,因为与德国一起,他们指挥了整个欧洲国家! 意大利现在处于法德欧洲独裁统治之下!
andra niculaita
That is simply so low of these racist French. The day they have at least have of the amazing things Italians have!!! Even with the coronavirus Italy is still the best country in the world.
romain fernandez
This has nothing to do with racism! Italy isnt the best country in the world (france has one the best food,wine,music,women,history,ect), your comments made no sense, you are the racist one! The show that showed this clip is very crude (poop jokes,naked women,sex,ect) so you guys shouldnt get offended by that,really, if you knew the show you wouldnt even care.Peace
@romain fernandez sorry but i hope you are joking. There is nothing funny about this video. Its disgusting offensive and disrespectful. People in italy like in different parts of the world are dying or already dead. Have some respect like the world and italy had when france had terrorist attacks. And for you maybe italy is not the best country in the world. But for many people its the best country for food, people, wine, women men, music art and culture etc
Don’t fight for who is the BEST, makes no sense.