China continues military build-up along LAC near Eastern Ladakh
Even as India and China continue to talk, the Chinese have continued the build-up all along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) including the Finger area where they have strengthened themselves with more positions and constructions.The Chinese army started its build up along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh sector on May 4 and deployed more than 10,000 troops along with heavy artillery, armoured regiments and defence batteries.
Multiple types of armored equipment attached to a brigade under the #PLA 72th Group Army are firing rockets during a recent live-fire field training exercise.
VIDEO: #Chinese PLA 77th Group Army recently held a live-fire drill featuring the PLA artilleries’ rapid movement, strike, and evacuation at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an elevation of 4,500m.
US Intel: China ordered attack on Indian troops in Galwan River Valley
A senior Chinese general authorised his forces to attack Indian troops in the Galwan River valley last week, resulting in a brutal skirmish that killed dozens and dramatically escalated tensions between the two Asian powerhouses, according to a US intelligence assessment. Gen. Zhao Zongqi, head of the Western Theater Command and among the few combat veterans still serving in the People’s Liberation Army, approved the operation along the contested border region of northern India and southwestern China, a source familiar with the assessment says on the condition of anonymity. According to US News, Zhao, who has overseen prior standoffs with India, has previously expressed concerns that China must not appear weak to avoid exploitation by the United States and its allies, including in New Delhi, the source says, and saw the faceoff last week as a way to “teach India a lesson.”

China continues military build-up along LAC near Eastern Ladakh
Even as India and China continue to talk, the Chinese have continued the build-up all along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) including the Finger area where they have strengthened themselves with more positions and constructions.The Chinese army started its build up along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh sector on May 4 and deployed more than 10,000 troops along with heavy artillery, armoured regiments and defence batteries.




中国拟先发制人 解放军派王牌部队第82集团军陆军航空兵 千里奔袭阿克赛钦举行昼夜实弹演习
Even asleep with exhaustion after intensive training, they won’t allow anybody to take their guns away. This is what guns mean to Chinese soldiers.
Multiple types of armored equipment attached to a brigade under the #PLA 72th Group Army are firing rockets during a recent live-fire field training exercise.
VIDEO: #Chinese PLA 77th Group Army recently held a live-fire drill featuring the PLA artilleries’ rapid movement, strike, and evacuation at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an elevation of 4,500m.

US Intel: China ordered attack on Indian troops in Galwan River Valley
A senior Chinese general authorised his forces to attack Indian troops in the Galwan River valley last week, resulting in a brutal skirmish that killed dozens and dramatically escalated tensions between the two Asian powerhouses, according to a US intelligence assessment. Gen. Zhao Zongqi, head of the Western Theater Command and among the few combat veterans still serving in the People’s Liberation Army, approved the operation along the contested border region of northern India and southwestern China, a source familiar with the assessment says on the condition of anonymity. According to US News, Zhao, who has overseen prior standoffs with India, has previously expressed concerns that China must not appear weak to avoid exploitation by the United States and its allies, including in New Delhi, the source says, and saw the faceoff last week as a way to “teach India a lesson.”

西北戈壁、晴空万里,官兵战车整齐列阵、威风凛凛,南部战区陆军某旅正在举行授装仪式。近日,该旅迎来了一批自动化程度高、射速快、一键操瞄的PLC181型车载火炮。(尹弘泽 李晓东 李文宗 李洋)

由中国精密机械进出口总公司和四川航天工业总公司联合开发的“卫士”系列多管火箭炮系统此前主要有 “卫士”-1/1B以及 “卫士”-2三种型号,而最新改进型号就是世界射程最远的“卫士”-2D多管火箭炮系统。


