[Trump] [China Virus] [China Plague] [Racist] & Trump Virus
China Virus & Trump Virus – Why Trump Say ChinaVirus

Trump keeps calling: China Virus
Reasons- Trump is very pissed off
- China could have stopped the spread in early days but not
- It is indeed China’s fault in the beginning
- China fuucked it up completely
- Zhao lijian even tried to shove the virus to USA
- USA got big problem with virus cases
- Re-election in danger
- Once good economy damaged to very bad situation
- ==>
- 其实可以理解: 中国的确没有在早期控制住瞒着,结果祸害了全世界
- But Trump is the only world leader calling China Virus, he is going very low
- NOTE: Twitter and Americans just allowed this happen, they are not stopping him to call ChinaVirus
After Trump’s Covid-19 diagnosis, anti-Asian tweets and conspiracies rose 85%: report
The head of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus said the research shows that anyone who fails to see the link between harmful rhetoric and bigotry is “lying to themselves.”

One of the scariest parts about America is that the President of the United States can casually call the coronavirus the China Plague on Twitter and the media doesn’t give a damn.
Record 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. 53% Approval Rating Overall. Record 56% “Better Off Now” than 4 Years Ago (Gallup) during the Obama/Sleepy Joe Biden Administration, even as we round the turn on the China Plague. Thank you. Next year will be the BEST EVER!!!
But after so many months, China has got it under control after 8 weeks, but in USA it has become TrumpVirus
In the beginning you can blame China, but after so many months you still not got it under control, then it is your own fault incompetence.