[Hannibal Barca] 汉尼拔北非迦太基大战罗马帝国 vs 东汉三国大战
Hannibal Barca

迦太基 Carthage / Carthaginian (221–202 BC)
- Hannibal has only about max 40,000 army departing from Spain
- But he got a lot of tribes and enemies of Rome to join him along the way to Italy
- Hannibal had also navy raiding Rome
- Hannibal’s tactic of flanking the enemy is just too great
- Hannibal needed only half year to reach center Italy
- Why Hannibal didn’t attack Rome? He was only 130km away from Rome, with his 50,000 troops
- Hannibal occupied most of southern Italy for 15 years, but could not win a decisive victory, as the Romans led by Fabius Maximus avoided confrontation with him
- —
- A counter-invasion of North Africa led by Scipio Africanus forced him to return to Carthage. Scipio eventually defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama, having previously driven Hannibal’s brother Hasdrubal out of the Iberian Peninsula.
Battle of Zama (202 BC) Roman Republic Vs Carthage
what a bloody old ancient barbarian wars
Their armyies are all in small numbers like 20,000
And the war area is small

While same time in Han Dynasty the wars were often fought with half million troops.