[2020.08.31] [Czech ]捷克参议长访台公开挑衅中国 王毅撂话回击
捷克参议长访台公开挑衅中国 王毅撂话回击:必将付出沉重代价!


捷克参议长访台公开挑衅中国 王毅撂话回击:必将付出沉重代价!
Czech businesses slam China for ‘childish’ economic retaliation
China sanctions Czech delegation members and their companies over Taiwan visit
Following the delegation’s trip to Taiwan, led by Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil, the Chinese government has reportedly issued sanctions on all 89 Czech politicians, businessmen, artists, and academics who participated in the visit. Companies whose representatives were in the delegation were also banned from operating in China, according to Beijing’s state-run newspaper China Daily.

Czech mayor calls CCP ‘rude clowns’ after threats over Taiwan trip
Prague district mayor warns China will pay ‘heavy price for bullying’ Czech Senate president