[Mexico] [Latin America] What do Mexican people think of China and Chinese
What do Mexican people think of China and Chinese

But if you hang around with Mexicans, they are basically very nice people, no real issues at all. The bad impression over Chinese is not something specific to Mexicans, it is a fact of general world view of old generation Chinese, but China is changing so fast and will keep changing to a dominant world power in just another 20 years.
==> Conclusion: no real issue between Chinese and Mexicans.
Did you know Mexico had an Anti-Chinese Campaign from 1911 to 1934? And that the effects of this persecution still affect how Mexicans regard China and Chinese?
Mexican attitudes toward the Chinese are laced with years of racism and genocide. Unfortunately, most Mexicans have never met a Chinese person and their ignorance contributes to perpetuating petty racist jokes and stereotypes. At the same time, attitudes toward China as a nation are of respect, caution, and growing collaboration. Despite a dark past, Mexico’s relationship with China is at an all time high, and attitudes toward Chinese people are improving rapidly.
Read the fantastic comments:
In fact, I just think how much Brazil is losing with the policies of the current government, of siding with the USA, if the federal government had a little patriotism it would go to China to seek investments in Brazil and install factories and technology transfer, which it guarantees a greater variety of automation products and services, and of course the factor that generates jobs as well as the modernization of public transportation throughout the country.
@qreleborg very sad to see this government destroying Brazil’s relationship with China due to prejudices just to satisfy the American government, very sad.
Marcos Ondre tardo
1 month ago
Take me to China and get me out of Latin America!
Excellent video Guys, I congratulate you! What a tremendous industry China has !!!!
Boris Olaya
1 month ago
Congratulations Javi and Lele! Very interesting video! Make more videos of electric mobility in China and its future! Thanks for your effort!
Leonardo Daza White
1 month ago (edited)
every time I see your excellent videos my doubts are erased, about this great country we should develop our own countries like the Chinese industries maintaining our culture and customs
Old China was dirty poor.
Today’s China is completely different.
The comments over Chinese JAC cars are overwhelmingly positive:
Chinese tourists are coming in ever greater numbers to Mexico. This cultural exposure changes ignorance, and if not, then the tourism dollars spent in Mexico buy change.
China is considered the land of low quality items exported at cheap prices, and the Chinese are seen as people who have a rich history, are very smart, are extremely hard working, but are also simultaneously dirty (perceived as always spitting and chewing with their mouth open), unreliable (perceived as cheating at imports and cutting quality), and cunning (perceived as out to steal Mexican jobs).
This attitude prevails until today and contributes to many Mexicans saying: as “Cuidado con los Pinches Chinos” (Careful with the Fucking Chinese).
Although 2013 was a high of US$200 million invested in Mexico by China, that record number was less than 1% of China’s investments in Latin America, and less than 3% of FDI in Mexico.
Mexicans have a long history of looking down on Chinese people and treating them VERY badly. Despite the current gains in tourism and trade, the prevailing attitude Mexican have towards the Chinese is negative. There is ample cultural and historical evidence of this: