China is better equipped to deal with both the health and economic fallouts because they have a large centralized government which still controls a large part of their economy. In the US, unemployment may very well go through the roof as private businesses collapse. But the Chinese state isn’t going anywhere. A furloughed Chinese state employee will simply walk back to his job and continue earning as before. They have economic peace of mind Americans no longer have, so we should see less disruption on Chinese demand coming out of this crisis.
In the rush to privatize everything in the 80s and 90s, Western governments have simply lost control and have no tools to deal with national scale crises like 2008 or 2020. As for jobs being outsourced, you should know this wouldn’t have happened if the State still owned those industries.
Maybe it is time to realize this whole “economic liberalization” idea the US has been pushing down the throats of the rest of the world (often at gunpoint) isn’t what is advertized and doesn’t even work in the US. There is much about China’s mixed state capitalist approach we can all learn from.
中新社北京5月7日电 (记者 李晓喻)疫情之下4月中国出口数据意外“爆冷门”,8.2%的同比增幅不仅扭转了3月-3.5%的下降态势,也大大高于去年同期3.1%的增速。此间专家称,4月中国出口大幅反弹主要因为前期在手订单进入执行高峰,欧美订单被取消对中国出口的影响或将在未来几个月内逐步显现。
国家统计局:一季度国内生产总值206504亿元 同比下降6.8%
2020.04.17 10:01:25央视
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China’s Corporates Are Gearing Up in Europe for M&A Bargains
China is better equipped to deal with both the health and economic fallouts because they have a large centralized government which still controls a large part of their economy. In the US, unemployment may very well go through the roof as private businesses collapse. But the Chinese state isn’t going anywhere. A furloughed Chinese state employee will simply walk back to his job and continue earning as before. They have economic peace of mind Americans no longer have, so we should see less disruption on Chinese demand coming out of this crisis.
In the rush to privatize everything in the 80s and 90s, Western governments have simply lost control and have no tools to deal with national scale crises like 2008 or 2020. As for jobs being outsourced, you should know this wouldn’t have happened if the State still owned those industries.
Maybe it is time to realize this whole “economic liberalization” idea the US has been pushing down the throats of the rest of the world (often at gunpoint) isn’t what is advertized and doesn’t even work in the US. There is much about China’s mixed state capitalist approach we can all learn from.
China will emerge from the coronavirus crisis stronger than the U.S., experts warn