WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. judge in Washington said he plans to decide later on Sunday whether to block a Trump administration order banning Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google from offering Chinese-owned short video-sharing app TikTok for download in U.S. app stores.
Trump said he was stunned to learn that the Treasury could not receive any payment in exchange for the US signing off on the deal.
“Amazingly, I find that you’re not allowed to do that,” Trump said. “If they’re willing to make big payments to the government they’re not allowed because … there’s no legal path to doing that. … How foolish can we (the United States) be?”
Trump added the deal will include a $5 billion fund for US education, though he did not say which companies would be making the payment. Trump had previously expressed a desire for the companies to make a payment to the US Treasury, but was surprised when he was told such an arrangement would be illegal.
Trump also said the deal will result in 25,000 jobs, and that TikTok would be headquartered in Texas. ?itok=5okSnwuB&v=1600324700
London (CNN Business)With roughly 100 million users in the United States, it’s no surprise that TikTok videos have taken over the internet.
But as the relationship between Washington and Beijing frays, the fate of the video app, which is owned by China’s ByteDance, looks uncertain. In recent weeks, US government officials have claimed that TikTok poses a serious threat to national security, and President Donald Trump has threatened to ban it unless an American company takes control of its domestic operations.
That set off a bidding contest that’s roped in some of America’s top corporations, including Microsoft (MSFT), Oracle (ORCL) and Walmart (WMT). While Microsoft is no longer a contender — the company on Sept. 13 announced its bid was rejected by ByteDance — Oracle appears to have emerged victorious and Walmart may still have a small part to play. While Oracle has agreed to become TikTok’s business partner in the United States, it’s not clear that the proposed deal will appease government officials on either side, who have indicated they intend to carefully review any new arrangement.
What is clear is that the fight over TikTok is bigger than who owns an app popular with Generation Z. It’s also about the future of US-China relations, and the murky new rules businesses are forced to navigate as tensions between the world’s two biggest economies ramp up.
Hong Kong/Atlanta (CNN Business)Beijing appears to have just thrown a wrench into the possibility that TikTok could be sold to an American buyer to avoid a ban on its business in the United States.
Chinese officials on Friday revised rules that govern the sale of certain kinds of technology to foreign buyers. The updated list includes data processing, speech and text recognition, according to government notices.
Planned TikTok deal entails China’s approval under revised catalogue: expert
BEIJING, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) — ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, will need to comply with approval procedures under China’s latest revision to the catalogue of technologies that are subject to export bans or restrictions, regarding the planned selling of the video-sharing app’s U.S. operations, an expert observed.
TikTok ban once again blocked by judge, this time thanks to three influencers
The restrictions set for November 12th are now on hold
US Commerce Department reacts to TikTok’s US Court victory
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. judge in Washington said he plans to decide later on Sunday whether to block a Trump administration order banning Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google from offering Chinese-owned short video-sharing app TikTok for download in U.S. app stores.
Trump said he was stunned to learn that the Treasury could not receive any payment in exchange for the US signing off on the deal.
“Amazingly, I find that you’re not allowed to do that,” Trump said. “If they’re willing to make big payments to the government they’re not allowed because … there’s no legal path to doing that. … How foolish can we (the United States) be?”
路透社引述美国政府官员称,美国投资者将占TikTok Global的53%股权,中方投资者则占36%。TikTok表示,根据提案,甲骨文和沃尔玛将参加TikTok Global的上市前募股,可以占有上市前最高20%的股份,剩余的80%则将有字节跳动持有。
另据彭博社周日引述消息人士报道,字节跳动正为TikTok争取600亿美元的估值。若甲骨文及沃尔玛同意此估值,依照甲骨文持股12.5%以及沃尔玛持股7.5%的配比,这两家公司总共将支付120亿美金收购TikTok Global股份。
Trump over the deal
Guess: Oracle may take 50.01% ownership
Only India bans TikTok now
Trump added the deal will include a $5 billion fund for US education, though he did not say which companies would be making the payment. Trump had previously expressed a desire for the companies to make a payment to the US Treasury, but was surprised when he was told such an arrangement would be illegal.
Trump also said the deal will result in 25,000 jobs, and that TikTok would be headquartered in Texas.
TikTok beats down Trump
London (CNN Business)With roughly 100 million users in the United States, it’s no surprise that TikTok videos have taken over the internet.
But as the relationship between Washington and Beijing frays, the fate of the video app, which is owned by China’s ByteDance, looks uncertain. In recent weeks, US government officials have claimed that TikTok poses a serious threat to national security, and President Donald Trump has threatened to ban it unless an American company takes control of its domestic operations.
That set off a bidding contest that’s roped in some of America’s top corporations, including Microsoft (MSFT), Oracle (ORCL) and Walmart (WMT). While Microsoft is no longer a contender — the company on Sept. 13 announced its bid was rejected by ByteDance — Oracle appears to have emerged victorious and Walmart may still have a small part to play. While Oracle has agreed to become TikTok’s business partner in the United States, it’s not clear that the proposed deal will appease government officials on either side, who have indicated they intend to carefully review any new arrangement.
What is clear is that the fight over TikTok is bigger than who owns an app popular with Generation Z. It’s also about the future of US-China relations, and the murky new rules businesses are forced to navigate as tensions between the world’s two biggest economies ramp up.
Hong Kong/Atlanta (CNN Business)Beijing appears to have just thrown a wrench into the possibility that TikTok could be sold to an American buyer to avoid a ban on its business in the United States.
Chinese officials on Friday revised rules that govern the sale of certain kinds of technology to foreign buyers. The updated list includes data processing, speech and text recognition, according to government notices.
法新社表示,上述表态意味着字节跳动必须获得中国政府的批准才能将其视频共享应用出售给一家美国公司。抖音自称,目前有超过6亿的活跃用户。2020年8月,总下载量已经突破20亿次。正当Tik Tok风靡全美,上线不到三年便征服一亿用户之时,美国政府以信息安全为由,以政治方式强行干预这家来自中国的APP在美运营。
TikTok 收购案恐要生变。
微软一直是收购 抖音TikTok 谈判的领头羊 ,随后,Twitter、Netflix 和 Oracle 纷纷加入与 TikTok “私聊”谈判行列。最近,“半路杀出”沃尔玛,据说看重了 TikTok 短视频带货能力。种种混乱之中,TikTok 首席执行官凯文 · 梅耶 (Kevin Mayer)在任职不到六个月后,于 8 月 27 日宣布辞职 。
8 月 28 日,中国突然限制人工智能等敏感技术出口。商务部会同科技部调整发布了《中国禁止出口限制出口技术目录》(商务部科技部公告 2020 年第 38 号),将 AI 等敏感技术列为限制出口对象。
此时距离上一次目录修订 2008 年,已经过去12年。基于 2008 年版目录,此次调整共涉及 53 项技术条目:删除 9 项禁止类或者限制类条目;新增 23 项限制类条目(包括人工智能技术);对 21 项条目的控制要点和技术参数进行了修改。
Planned TikTok deal entails China’s approval under revised catalogue: expert
BEIJING, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) — ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, will need to comply with approval procedures under China’s latest revision to the catalogue of technologies that are subject to export bans or restrictions, regarding the planned selling of the video-sharing app’s U.S. operations, an expert observed.
相比之下,出售TikTok是目前情况下损失最小的选择,根据CNBC8月27日晚间消息,TikTok即将达成出售其美国业务的协议,并可能会在未来48小时内与微软(228.91, 2.33, 1.03%)达成出售交易。
