Archives for 历史人物
Mongols Chenghis Khan
Mongols Chenghis Khan (more…)
Hulagu Khan 旭烈兀
Hulagu Khan 旭烈兀 (more…)
Attila the Hun: The Scourge of God
Attila the Hun: The Scourge of God (more…)
YUAN: Kublai Khan: China’s Mongol Emperor
Kublai Khan: China’s Mongol Emperor (more…)
莫卧儿帝国 Mughal Empire (India)
莫卧儿帝国 Mughal Empire (India) (more…)
帖木儿帝国 Timurid Empire – Timur / Tamerlane / Timur the Lame 瘸
帖木儿帝国 Timurid Empire - Timur (more…)
[Hannibal Barca] 汉尼拔北非迦太基大战罗马帝国 vs 东汉三国大战
Hannibal Barca (more…)